Injury is not always a requirement to benefit from Athletic Therapy Treatment. Athletic Therapists can provide assistance to those who do not have a specific injury but want help for recreation or occupational goals. Here are some ways that treatment will help you even when you’re not injured:
- Athletic event preparation, such as charity runs/bike/walk, marathons, triathlons
- Weight training preparation of foundational exercise
- “Top up” from previous injury such as willing in any gaps in functional ability, or after finishing a previous course of therapy
- Industrial athletes; those who use their bodies for occupational demands
Event Preparation
When you’re planning for a big event, you might need a support team! That can include a coach, nutritionist, and even an Athletic Therapist. This is done by adding to or modifying a current training plan with manual hands on therapy and foundational exercises. What are foundational exercises? They are exercises that focus on technique to support the main goal. This can ultimately reduce overuse injuries during training, and limit as much “down time” as possible. For example, supportive glute and leg exercises can help prepare for a marathon!
Pre weight training Preparation
If you’re new to weight training, it can be intimidating to simply show up at the gym for the first day and know where to begin. There are many factors to consider, such as training volume, intensity, technique, and overall injury prevention. Working with an Athletic therapist can provide the foundational exercises to help someone get started training. Areas of focus can include, glutes, core, and mechanical exercises for the upper body, focusing on form. This starting point can make an excellent precursor to working with a personal trainer or beginning a self guided structured exercise program.

“Top up” from Previous Injury
It is an unfortunate, but common situation, to hear of athletes finishing a course of Physical Therapy, but don’t reel ready to return to sport. You may have gotten to a point of functionality of life requirements, but are not quite ready to return to their previous levels of activity. Athletic Therapy can focus on the more active side of injury rehabilitation and bridge the gap with personalized exercise prescription.
Industrial Athletes
Many occupations require physical demands from our bodies. This is not always isolated to intense physical labor such as landscaping and lifting heavy rocks. Other occupations that have a physical demand on the body can include barbers/hairdressers, mechanics, teachers, emergency services, and many others. An Athletic Therapist can provide insight on mechanical “good habits”, exercises for injury prevention, and other manual therapy skills to help with the day to day aches and pains on the body.
Want to get started with your Athletic Therapy assessment and treatment? You can learn how Treatment will help you even when you’re not injured. Book here! We often have same day or same week appointments available so we are here to help when YOU need it.