We’ve been working on the flow of the gym. Machines have moved but we’re still accepting feedback! We’re making the space work for everyone

The view from above!
If you haven’t been in for a while, come and see our changes and let us know what you like, or what you think can be improved…
New Products
Show your GPFT pride with branded water bottles and a hair tie/wrist band. Just a few dollars and available in our self-serve station now!
We also are now a supplier for RockTape. Ask us if it could be useful for you or to try a sample.
New Services
We’re pleased to announce a new service at the gym… Nutrition Coaching!
Lyle has a long background in nutritional science and is a Certified Precision Nutrition Coach.
Within his scope is to help those struggling with the nutritional component of weight loss or training and helping to build the habits needed for a healthy lifestyle. To read more, check out the info page on our website!